General Category > General Discussion
New Releases - June 2015
A new month appears, and like always we've prepared a great collection of new releases. Let's move on to our new releases.
GFR0101 - The Minions of The Unforgiven
Generic Fantasy Range
As in previous months, let's start with the personality packs. This time we've four packs! Probably the most iconic person in any self-respecting adventure group is the Wizard. GFR0079 - Godefridus the Wizard at your service. Another obligatory member of any group is the dwarf with axe, GFR0088 - Degenhard the Axe is ready for duty. The next two packs represent nobles which most adventurers will meet on their road to glory. GFR0081 - Vitoldus The King of Elves, and GFR0089 - Sister Leocadia. The last pack GFR0101 - The Minions of The Unforgiven will be a exciting enemy for our adventurers.
GFR0079 - Godefridus the Wizard
GFR0081 - Vitoldus The King of Elves
GFR0088 - Degenhard the Axe
GFR0089 - Sister Leocadia
1/300 scale
In this month we bring a new terrain piece to our 1/300 scale range, TTR012 - Stone farm.
TTR012 - Stone farm
That's all for this month, more nice stuff coming soon!
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