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Something people might ask :)
Hi to everyone :)
That might sound stupid but last time I saw Void it was years ago - something around 1st Warzone edition ...
- Void - is it compatible with Urban War ? Or is is separate ? It is obvious that it is same world
There are still plenty of models for void and just wonder if and if yes how to use them in UW ?
- Urban War - Metropolis is just bigger scale and where is in all that Void ?
- Celtos - where is that ? dead .... ?
Ok just ordered Urban War book and some models on the way :D yes !!!
Hi Gobbla,
--- Quote from: Gobbla on May 18, 2016, 09:27:40 PM ---That might sound stupid but last time I saw Void it was years ago - something around 1st Warzone edition ...
--- End quote ---
More like just after 2nd Warzone edition, as I-kore was created after Target go out of business by people who work for them in Edinburgh studio.
Void and Urban War - use the same profiles and special rules, and UW is a skirmish game when each model is individual, when Void is like Metropolis - squad-based game.
We are working on a few rules that will allow using Void units, is actually a matter of CAL stat that is used in UW.
Metropolis and Void - too be perfectly honest, Metropolis is a updated version of Void, compatible with UW.
Void and UW/Metropolis/CLAU are in the same universe but in different places also.
Celtos is still available from Brigade Models.
We will release rules and stat cards for UW as a free download in next month so you will be able to see what is your cup of tea.
did the updated state cards get finished?
Not yet I'm afraid, hope to back to them soon.
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