Kryomek > Kryomek

All Things Kryomek


3-2-1 Back in the room.

In the dim and distant past, I went on a massive Kryomek binge. I painted lots (some of my pics are in the Scotia store) and bought even more. Then I kind of fell off the train. I boxed it all up and it got relegated to the back of the garage.

Lately I've been doing a little bit of modelling - plastic kits / Gundam, that kind of thing. Anyhoo, it kind of got me thinking back to all those kromek figs and kits I'd accumulated. So I've guy them out - and there's quite a bit to keep me going.

So, I'm going to see if I can't get beck into painting up and growing my collection. No promises, but hopefully there'll be a few bits and pieces appearing here over time.

First job is to find some new paints - most of mine have dried out. (bloody GW). In the meantime, a few pics from before my hiatus.





So I did a stock check this morning, and this is what I have to get through:

10 Colonial Marines
14 Marines
3 Marine Casualties
10 EBS Cyclos
14 Cyclos
6 Predator Marines
8 Talos
1 Helcat
1 Storm Strider
1 Tiger APC

4 War-Masters
31 Warriors
14 Hybrids
27 Helions
2 Heavy Spore Launchers


Just a couple of miniatures :D


I've just bid on a huge haul of Kryomek on eBay in the US.  I've recently started my collection again, with a few eBay lots of Nexus (a few marines, a few SWATs, a couple of helcats, plus the talos I had lying around).  This new haul is all kryomek: 65 helions, 44 warriors, 7 warmasters, 3 drones, plus some other things (the books, which I picked up again from eBay a couple of months ago).  The idea is to split the spoils and share the Kryomek love.

We have managed to get a couple of games in; mostly because Katie (also posting on this board) has an impressive collection.  I hope to field some of my own models in the next game.  I think there will still be some scope to expand my human forces with some additional purchases from Scotia in the future.

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