Ptolemaic Guard Cavalry with Sidon Helmet (II BC)
Yes, adding some Ptolemaic 'Companion' cavalry would be a good opportunity to fill in some other gaps in the Macedonian successor cavalry. The only other hard evidence I'm aware of for Macedonian cavalry wearing bronze cuirasses is the tomb of Alketas (320 BC) in Pisidia... and he was a general!
So, please could we have a pack of Macedonian 'Companion' cavalry in leather / linen corselets _only_ and not mixed in with figures wearing bronze cuirasses?
Since there are already Macedonian archers available wearing 'kausia' hats (and now pall-bearers for Antigonos the One-Eyed!) it would also be really nice to have a pack of Macedonian 'Companion' cavalry wearing kausia hats, as on the Agios Athanasios tomb mural discovered in 1994, which is also surely _definitive_ evidence of 'Companion' cavalry wearing a uniform style of leather / linen corselet, as previously argued by Nick Sekunda.

Contrary to popular belief, the Pelinna tomb stone from Thessaly also shows a Macedonian cavalry man in a linen corselet (not a bronze cuirass as Duncan Head claimed).
Smoothing down the bronze cuirasses on my old Essex 'Companion' cavalry to make them look like linen cuirasses was tricky work and I wouldn't want to risk taking a scalpel to Xyston miniatures like that!
'Companion' cavalry in bronze cuirasses could then be put into a separate pack for those who want them.
While, I am at it, how about some Thessalian cavalry in linen corselets, but still wearing Thessalian cloaks (which is what makes them identifiably Thessalian! The Pelinna cavalryman must have been a Macedonian!)... as shown clearly on the 'Alexander' sarcophagus?
Some thureophoroi wearing 'kausia' hats, as on the Kazanluk tomb would also be a pleasing addition that would only require a head swap on existing figures.
I tried to attach more images of the archaeological evidence mentioned, but the files were too large!